That said, the files to play as the Joker on the Mac version have been extracted so one could mod the DLC into the PC version.
No Port For You: The free "Play as Joker" DLC is only available on the PS3 and MacOSX versions.Name's the Same: Jack White, Joker's alias, has quite the same name as John "Jack" Gillis of The White Stripes, who took the maiden name of "White" when he was once married to Meg White.note You can mash like hell during fight sequences and do alright, but the game rewards you with stronger attacks and more XP for timing your strikes, not getting hit, and not whiffing on attacks, which requires a more methodical, rhythmic pace of attack. You can still see traces of this in the freeflow combat sections, which do feel rather like a rhythm game at points. This whole idea came from these two stories from the developers and from director Sefton Hill. Mid-Development Genre Shift: Arkham Asylum was going to be a Rhythm Game, where the fight scenes would become upbeat 2D dance scenes and you would have to press the right colored buttons on cue, almost like in Rock Band.The devs openly admit they used Arkham Asylum's combat because they felt it was a good fit for Spider-Man. In addition to having the same combat system as Arkham Asylum, there are also patient interview tapes (redubbed "audio evidence tapes") and a level where Spider-Man rescues doctors from escaped patients in an asylum.

The movie-licensed game based on The Amazing Spider-Man 2012 film goes further in copying Arkham Asylum.Still, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It also tries to copy the Metroidvania style layout, but to less success. The Captain America: Super Soldier game copies this game's basic fighting engine (though not quite as well), with a counter, dodge, stun, and attack button.

He'd go back to using his trademark gruff Batman voice in the two sequels.