
Best rise of the tomb raider
Best rise of the tomb raider

best rise of the tomb raider best rise of the tomb raider

Lara experiences her own personal growth here – coming to terms with what consequences her globe-trotting treasure-seeking travels bring to everyone around her, and how her thirst for the unknown has the dangerous side of becoming an infectious addiction to her own detriment. Part of the reason the entire narrative manages to maintain so much momentum through familiar beats is thanks, in no small part, to the stellar cast. It’s a tale that wildly swings from one plot twist to the next, but never manages to lose your interest throughout. A prize that large doesn’t go unnoticed, and a generationally strong religious cult known as Trinity is soon hot on Lara’s trail in a race against time to seek out this single answer to all of life’s corporeal problems. The late Lord Croft was on the trail of immortality, seeking out the legendary city of Kitehz in pursuit of The Divine Source – a religious artefact that possesses the power to cure all sickness, heal all wounds. What this involves seems just as absurd, and it’s difficult not to wonder if Lara’s father was indeed mad at the outset. Lara is more determined than ever to prove the impossible now, clearing her father’s name and reinstating Croft into a more favourable side of history. Seeing the impossible has led Lara to question a lot in her life – but no more than the once insane ramblings of her beloved father before his unexpected passing prior to the events of the first game. Gone is the fragile, almost novice Lara Croft, replaced by a determined archaeologist who has a fiercer taste for the unknown after her supernatural experiences on her last outing. It’s a game that will probably define her future for year to come. It’s bigger, bolder and a far more engrossing outing for Lara Croft in her latest expedition. Rise of the Tomb Raider, however, is exactly that in every sense of the word. Making the perfect sequel is nearly impossible. It’s tasked with making progress while holding onto the past – a near impossible feat in a medium where individual parts aren’t easily stripped and changed without consequence to the rest of the system. It needs to be able to improve on the established success of its predecessor while simultaneously fixing everything that was wrong with it.

Best rise of the tomb raider